Unusual "Lunes de Aguas"
Photo: salamancartvaldia.es |
“Lunes de Aguas” (Watery Monday) is a traditional and very popular celebration here in Salamanca. Its main characteristics are “hornazo” (a meat pie typical from Salamanca) and spending the day with you friends and family at a park around the city or nearby.
In this article, you can read about its origin and all its traditions:
Lunes de Aguas in Salamanca
This year, we have celebrated it on 20th April. It has been a Lunes de Aguas completely different. A celebration in the midst of confinement because of the coronavirus, a situation that has paralysed the whole world.
But here in Salamanca, people have a lot of creativity and they have decided to enjoy this Lunes de Aguas from home.
On the one hand, the city council organised a programme of activities that took place from 12.00 (noon) to around 20:30. There were very different activities to choose from: traditional games, storytellers for kids, narrations by the performers Fernando Saldaña and Noelia González (both from Salamanca)… and it all ended with the teachers from the Municipal School of Music playing the song Resistiré.
All these events were streamed live via the City Council Youtube channel and they are now available in that platform.
Furthermore, many citizens took a picture celebrating this day at home and published it on social media with the hashtag #tuhornazomejorencasa.
Another initiative has been the hashtag #balcornazo (a word formed by balcony and hornazo), suggested by the association Fevesa in order to encourage everyone to eat hornazo at their balcony or window.
And, of course, there has been a solidary side on this date. The University Hospital Complex in Salamanca sent hornazos to three different hospitals in the city (Clínico, Virgen Vega and Montalvos) in order to distribute them to patients and workers. This was possible thanks to the donations made by different companies.
In this article, you can read about its origin and all its traditions:
Lunes de Aguas in Salamanca
This year, we have celebrated it on 20th April. It has been a Lunes de Aguas completely different. A celebration in the midst of confinement because of the coronavirus, a situation that has paralysed the whole world.
But here in Salamanca, people have a lot of creativity and they have decided to enjoy this Lunes de Aguas from home.
Photo: salamancartvaldia.es |
On the one hand, the city council organised a programme of activities that took place from 12.00 (noon) to around 20:30. There were very different activities to choose from: traditional games, storytellers for kids, narrations by the performers Fernando Saldaña and Noelia González (both from Salamanca)… and it all ended with the teachers from the Municipal School of Music playing the song Resistiré.
All these events were streamed live via the City Council Youtube channel and they are now available in that platform.
Furthermore, many citizens took a picture celebrating this day at home and published it on social media with the hashtag #tuhornazomejorencasa.
Another initiative has been the hashtag #balcornazo (a word formed by balcony and hornazo), suggested by the association Fevesa in order to encourage everyone to eat hornazo at their balcony or window.
Photo: salamanca24horas.com |
On the other hand, the Hospital Catering has also distributed hornazos. We must highlight the figure of the head cook, José María Cornejo, who spent the whole weekend preparing the dough.
People were able to enjoy this popular date in Salamanca thanks to all these initiatives.
Galleryfrom Salamanca RTV al Día Lunes de Aguas, 20 de abril.
(Now in Spanish / Ahora en español)
Un Lunes de Aguas atípico
En este artículo te damos a conocer su origen y todas sus tradiciones:
Lunes de Aguas en Salamanca
Esta vez, se ha celebrado este 20 de abril. Ha sido un Lunes de Aguas completamente diferente al resto. Una festividad en medio del confinamiento por el coronavirus, situación que ha paralizado al mundo entero.
Esta vez, se ha celebrado este 20 de abril. Ha sido un Lunes de Aguas completamente diferente al resto. Una festividad en medio del confinamiento por el coronavirus, situación que ha paralizado al mundo entero.
Pero a los salmantinos no les ha faltado ingenio para celebrar este día y disfrutar del típico hornazo, por supuesto, desde sus casas.
Por un lado, el Ayuntamiento de Salamanca organizó un programa de actividades que
fueron sucediendo desde las doce de la mañana hasta las ocho y media de la tarde. Fueron una gran variedad como: juegos populares, cuentacuentos infantiles, narraciones de los intérpretes salmantinos Fernando Saldaña y Noelia González… y terminando con una interpretación, por parte de los profesores de la Escuela Municipal de Música, de la canción Resistiré.
Todo ello fue sucediendo desde el canal de Youtube del Ayuntamiento de Salamanca y
desde el que se puede volver a ver cada una de las actividades.
Además, se animó a los ciudadanos a tomar una foto celebrando este día para publicarla en redes sociales con la etiqueta #tuhornazomejorencasa.
También ha estado la iniciativa del #balcornazo, propuesta de la asociación Fevesa, para animar a los vecinos de comer el hornazo desde los balcones y ventanas de sus casas.
Y, por supuesto, se ha visto el lado más solidario de este día. El Complejo Asistencial puso en marcha un reparto de hornazos por los tres hospitales de Salamanca (Clínico, Virgen Vega y Montalvos) para sus pacientes y trabajadores, gracias a la donación de diferentes empresas que prepararon el típico hornazo de este día.
Por otro lado, se realizó un segundo reparto desde el Servicio de Hostelería del Hospital, en el que participó especialmente el jefe de cocina, José María Cornejo, quien dedicó el fin de semana a cocinar masas para su preparación.
Iniciativas con las que se ha podido disfrutar de la tradición tan querida de este día.
Compartimos una galería de fotos de cómo se ha celebrado este atípico Lunes de Aguas, desde Salamanca Rtv Al Día:
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